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Health Care for Women International 2014 Jul :0
A Holistic Antenatal Model Based on Yoga, Ayurveda, and Vedic Guidelines.

The prevalence of pregnancy complications are on the rise globally with sever consequences. According to the World Health Organization, every minute, at least one woman dies and twenty are affected by the complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. While the root cause of pregnancy complications is unclear, it likely has physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The Vedas are a rich source of antenatal healthcare guidelines in all these aspects. The primary objective of the authors was to compile the scriptural and scientific evidence for a holistic antenatal model of yoga with emphasis on socio-cultural Indian practices.

DHARA ID: D055158 Pubmed ID: 25036466

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Funded by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi